How do i get to galerias mall?
Take the circunvalacion 2 avenue south west go straight then take la limpia. Avenue and the turn right to thirty five avenue finally turn left into eighty four street.How do i get to URU?
Go trough circunvalacion 2 avenue go straight then turn trough six street after that turn again to C2 avenue then go trough la limpia avenue, about 5 kilometers later turn left to padilla avenue then turn left to padilla avenue then turn left to el milagro avenue next street to the right and you're there.How do i get to Sambil?
First go southwest trough C2 avenue then turn right to sixteen avenue and about 4 kilometers later turn left and you're there.
Aeropuerto Bookstore
It's next to campus cafe, and across urbe.
Lago Mall
It's across venetur hotel, between hotel del lago and vereda del lago.